Project Period
04/2015 – 12/2016

Origin of Funding
Asian Development Bank

Name of Client/ Beneficiary:
Ministry of Economy

Description of Project
The overall goal is to(i)assist  the Government of Azerbaijan in developing SWM Investment Plans(IPs)for Nakhchivan  ARand  the Lower Caucasus Economic  Zone,(ii) conduct the necessary technical, economic, financial  and governance due diligence  for  ADB. The IPs  will establish the basis for future investments, objectives,  activities and performance targets  for SWM service delivery in the project area. The IPs  are intended to  include collection,  recovery, treatment and disposal processes for the various solid waste streams  generated throughout  the region. An  Investment Plan will primarily focus on  the management  of general domestic solid waste including mixed municipal waste from households, commercial and industrial waste ,garden and park waste, construction& demolition (C&D) waste, and street sweepings.

Services Provided

  • Identification of the current and alternative location, designs, engineering,  civil works, and SWM equipment components and systemsfortheprojectareas
  • formulation and implementation of awaste characterization program in order to initially the volumes and composition of municipal solid waste being generated in the defined project areas
  • assessment of the current institutional setup for SWM in the project regions and look at the potential alternatives. Providing proposals for increase of the human resource planning, technical and managerial capacity for effective development and sustainability of the SWM programs and facilities. Considering the potential feasibility for private sector participation.
  • assessment of financial viability of the proposed project; as well as recommendations to support prudent financial management and ensure sustainability of SWM service delivery according to best operational practices and international standards.
  • design, conducting and management of representative household and industry surveys; analysis if survey and secondary data to identify effects expected of project attributable changes in solid waste management; use of estimates of expected project effects in EIRR calculations, as per ADB’s Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects.
  • an   initial  environmental  examination  (IEE)   or environmental impact assessment (EIA) (including Environmental Management Plans), as required for the identified sub-projects, in accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and relevant guidelines, and rules and requirements in Azerbaijan; review of the available environmental guidelines and of the need for an environmental management system to facilitate project supervision and monitoring; review of the environmental performance of the EA and IA, and ensuring that capacity assessment is included in the IEE or EIA.
  • social and gender analysis, including field visits to selected project sites following ADB guidelines in the Handbook on Poverty and Social Analysis (2001); a socioeconomic survey with the target population of the projects and relevant   key   stakeholders   including   non-governmental   organizations   together   with   the resettlement specialist; a socioeconomic profile,  poverty mapping andanalysis, analysis on access to basic facilities, health and sanitation conditions, gender profile and analysis, labor profile and analysis; assessment of the socio-economic benefits and possible entry points for effective gender mainstreaming such as training, job creation, reduction of drudgery, impacts on health and wellbeing;  and draft of the project Gender Action Plan as it relates to the design and monitoring framework.
  • Logistic and administrative services
  • Assignment of  8 experts: SWM Specialist/ Design Engineer; Waste Characterization Specialist; Institutional Specialist; Financial Specialist; Economic Specialist; Environmental Specialist; Resettlement Specialist; Social and Gender Specialist

Name of Partners
BN Engineers FZE